Monday, February 9, 2009

top ten games to movies

Top ten video games
That need movie adaptations

Ok so this top ten list will be of the games I think need to be turned into movies the games eligible for the list or games that either have no movie coming up in the for seeable future or games with movies that sucked (in my opinion not yours)

10. Elder scroll series. It’s my belief that the best candidates for movie adaptations are games with a broad universe witch wouldn’t require a direct retelling of a specific story to make and the elder scroll series is a great example of that. All you would need for a good elder scrolls movie is the monsters, the races, and the places from the games and maybe a few armor and weapon recreations and you could go all wily nilly with the story and it would still be good.

9. Castlevania. Older games make good movies because for the most part the plots where not that involved. In the original Castlevania games the plot was simple man hunts vampire man kills vampire in the next game man finds out he killed vampire wrong and needs to bring him back to kill him again. That leaves a lot of leeway to play around with the middle. To be a good movie all you would need is a guy named Simon killing monsters with a whip and eventually fighting Dracula. The hard core fans would probably demand a retelling of symphony of the night but that has a more direct plot and Hollywood would fuck it up.

8. God of war series. With its interesting take on Greek mythology and its badass main character god of war would be a great choice for an action movie series. Unfortunately I foresee a lot of cg being used in some of Kratos’s more extravagant fights like against the hydra. But with a little open mindedness from fans and omitting some of the puzzles Krato's has to solve the movies could be great.

7. Onimusha series. Great story great action lots of blood and a few tense moments the games are practically movies as it is I mean they already used real actors for the faces and voices and in this case they are actually good actors. Takeshi Kaneshiro (Samanosuke) and Jean Reno (Jacques) are no strangers to action and if they omitted the practically unrelated Onimusha 2 you could have a good series of action flicks.

6. Duke Nukem. There would be a few conditions this movie would have to meet to be good. First it would have to keep the humor and catch phrases from the games and second the actor would have to fit the physique of duke. This is another series that has a big enough universe that they could pretty much do any story they wanted as long as the spirit of the games where there.

5. Metroid. This is another movie that would need a new story written for it for 2 reasons first the original game has no conversation in it at all and even the newer games don’t have anyone for Samus to interact with and second the original plot is kind of empty anyway Samus shows up kills monsters and blows up a brain in a jar not do much depth there. I would suggest using the planets her suit and weapons of course the metroid's and then take liberties I wouldn’t be surprised if they changed the space pirates from giant animal like monsters to humanoid mutants and the same with mother brain and of course for those who don’t know I wouldn’t let the audience know Samus was a girl until the end recreating that memorable moment where she takes off her helmet and her hair flocks in the wind.

4. Ninja Gaiden. Who doesn’t love ninjas well I certainly do and who’s the most badass ninja to ever hit any console ever? No it’s not Joe Musashi from the shinobi games it’s Ryu Hyabusa from the Ninja Gaiden series. With the two newer Ninja Gaiden games out, there’s plenty of story to pick from and again this is the kind of universe that’s large enough to make up an original story as long as you guessed it the spirit of the games are there. I think just for fun they should figure out a way to make the movie hard to watch. Also the Ryu from the dead or alive movies does not count even though it’s the same character it’s a different universe.
Well you have read the rest now on to the best the top 3 video games that need movies made from them.

3. Metal gear series. These games have a few advantages in the race for other games that should be movies. For one the voice actor for snake, David Haytar also writes screenplays (x-men movies) and has done live action movies (Guyver 2: dark hero) so he would be perfect for snake and could help write the script also Hidoe Kojima is a genius and could help with the creative process. I’m assuming the metal gear solid stories would be used at least they would be a fool if they didn’t but if they were afraid of pissing off fans they could do an original story but the problem there is with original story comes original characters and that means no Otocon yelling snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake.

2. Halo. With a rich story spanning 3 books, an audio play and three great games halo is perfect for a Sci-Fi epic. The story is simple enough that they wouldn’t have to change it much to fit Hollywood standards and with 3 games you’ve got an easy trilogy deal. You never see master chiefs face so they could do the Darth Vader thing with a stunt actor playing the body and a voice actor doing the voice I suggest the original voice actor. Cortana is begging for a cg part so you can use her voice actress as well. And the marines just don’t matter but I would hope they could find a part for Lee Harvey Ermy.

1. Legend of Zelda. With halo being number 2 you had to know number one was going to be big and it doesn’t get much bigger then Zelda. If IGN's April fool’s joke for 2008 has taught us anything it’s that internet nerds are easily tricked and if its taught us anything else it’s that a Zelda movie that looks good could be great and accurate. The Zelda games always seemed to come in twos when it game to sequels. We had legend of Zelda and adventures of link. We got the SNES legend of Zelda and the game boy counterpart. We got ocarina of time and majora's mask. So with no real timeline to follow it leaves the story open to toy around with all you need is a kidnapped princess a bad guy named Gannon and a little elf like boy or teen named link.

The fake trailer made it seem like it was based on ocarina of time and I think that’s a great approach but there’s also a hell of a lot of castles and dungeons that link has to go through in those games. So again like most of the games on this list using the rich universe created by the games I would suggest an original story because if they try to remake one already there they will screw it up.

Well that about wraps it up I hope you enjoyed reading this list as much as I enjoyed writing it and I’d love to here anyone’s thoughts on it.

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