Friday, November 7, 2008

intro to me

My name is Jason and I am a big fan of video games and a big fan of movies and like most kids when Mario bros was announced I was excited. A movie based on one of my favorite games what could go wrong. Well as a lot of us have discovered over the years a lot can go wrong. Characters can be changed plots dismantled outfits and costumes are wrong and the list goes on. Most of the time video game movies are designed to get kids who play the game to force their parents to see the movie I will admit in recent time video game movies have gotten bigger budgets bigger actors and ever so slightly more like the games the represent. What I hope to accomplish with these series of posts is to review in text as I don’t have a camera of any kind the video game movies that have been released over the years. Each review should follow the same format a quick synopsis of the plot my review my ratings.

Now while I will comment on the acting and directing of the movie those will not be my main focus. What I will be doing is commenting on how close to the game the movie is what characters its included content from the game and so on. Then at the end of the review I will give my general rating then ratings in each of the following categories. Content: how much stuff from the game is in the movie. Acting: how well the actors portrayed the characters they are supposed to be. Plot: how much of the story resembles a story from the game. And if possible I will include comparison pictures for everyone to look at. Now with all that being said on to my first review.

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